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March 2021

untitled 2020 romana londi x william.jpg

mosaic mirror

helen bowie

The fragments of my sense of self 

Pulled apart and glued back together

With a single revelation 

A schizophrenic bloodline 


Pulled apart and glued back together 

Kintsugi for the soul 

A schizophrenic bloodline

Like a river running backwards


Kintsugi for the soul 

My inner monologue tells me 

Like a river running backwards 

A mosaic mirror


My inner monologue tells me

Things I have never understood 

A mosaic mirror

The tides dictate the moon 


Things I have never understood

Explained away on my 16th birthday

The tides dictate the moon

The symptoms dictate the illness 


Explained away on my 16th birthday

An answer to a question never asked

The symptoms dictate the illness

The fragments of my sense of self

HELEN BOWIE is a writer, performer and charity worker based in London. Her work has recently featured in Off Menu, Beir Bua Journal and Liminal Transit Review. Helen has one cat, and several bafflingly strong opinions about highly trivial matters, which she posts on TWITTER.  

Helen is a co-runner up in the The Signal House Edition x Write like a Grrrl 2020 collaboration. The competition was judged by award-winning poet and Write Poetry like a Grrrl course leader Jo Flynn and The Edition’s Poetry Editor Erica Gillingham. The full shortlist included ‘Seeking alternative accommodation’ by Hannah Allies, ‘Y2K’ by Rachel Neithercut, and ‘When they were gods’ by Hanna Thomas Uose.

ROMANA LONDI is an Italian-Irish artist who pushes the boundaries of painting as a material practice by conflating it with installation and performance to generate a non-linear, hybrid language that posits painting and bodies beyond the supremacy of the visual. Overriding themes of the physical and the virtual, organic and synthetic, cause and effect, as well as the limits of memory knowledge and communication, bind her work into a catalog of contradictory and ultimately human, transitory perceptions: portals into alternative cognitive dimensions. 
The artist's work has been presented at IMMA (Dublin), Elgiz Museum (Istanbul), Outset (London), Crac Centre Regional D’Art Contemporaine (Sète), Kenny Schachter/ROVE (UK), Hooper Projects (LA), Freies Museum (Berlin). WEBSITE. INSTAGRAM

(Image credit: Untitled 2020, oil and spray paint on paper, 20 x 30 cm, by Romana Londi, by kind permission of the artist.)

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